Regent Surgical Health’s new white paper examines three trends transforming the industry. As value-based care goals drive the movement of more types of surgery from hospitals to ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs), Regent Surgical Health (Regent) has recognized a shift in how hospitals view their outpatient strategy.“It is no longer a matter of losing some outpatient volume to secure higher acuity inpatient volume,” says Regent Surgical Health CEO Thomas Mallon, “ASCs are now seen as a major piece of the system’s care model of the future.”
In a recently published white paper, Regent identified three developments transforming the healthcare industry, and illustrated how hospitals partnering with ASCs are finding these trends advantageous. Regent develops and manages successful partnerships between hospitals, physicians and ASCs, while improving the ASC model to stay ahead of these emerging trends. The first of these, outpatient total joint replacement (TJR), is a trend that shows no signs of slowing down as patients look for cost-effective, high quality surgery options in a convenient setting. Experts predict the number of surgeries performed in an outpatient setting will increase 19 percent by 2025.
Hospitals that partner with productive and profitable ASCs are positioned to benefit with increased market share, increased operating room capacity, enhanced physician loyalty, and improved quality of care. “Moving TJR surgeries to an ASC makes sense for many reasons, both clinical and financial,” says Mallon. He also noted that it is critical to assess outcomes on an inpatient versus outpatient basis, and measure whether the results of these procedures vary by setting type or even provider.
Click here to download your copy of “Outpatient Joint Replacement & Two Additional Developments Transforming the Ambulatory Surgery Center Industry.” For more information on how Regent helps hospitals and physicians successfully partner with ASCs and navigate emerging trends, call 708-492-0531